17 December 2024
Specialities Starts Up " Norm Video" Series Again
Presenter , Norm Beange Owner & President
Presenter , Norm Beange Owner & President
 For over six years Norm Beange of Specialties Graphic Finishers did a video series on how to do unusual bindery or finishing jobs. He used examples of real jobs that where head scratchers. How can you do that. He pushed the creative boundaries on what you can do with printing. If you were looking for new ideas for customers Norm's Video was a great resource. PrintCAN for years under PrintWIRE would have a link to his latest video. It was often the highest click on for that month.
Specialties Graphic Finishers of Toronto
Specialties Graphic Finishers of Toronto
Stopped for almost six months Norm is starting up his Video series again . Specialties Graphic Finishers is a trade bindery and finishing house that is 85 years of innovating, 3rd generation, customers from 3000 miles away – coast to coast. They do the unusual, highly focused innovative jobs that printers need done. Specialties Graphic Finishers has helped printers create custom designs and professional marketing. Their services are intended to help produce unusual custom printed products.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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