14 July 2010
CPIA presents to Senate Committee on international remailing
OTTAWA—The Canadian Printing Industries Association was present at a recent Senate Committee on Finance meeting to present its position on Part 15 of Bill C-9 as it pertains to international remailing.

CPIA president Bob Elliott was asked to testify before the committee as it deliberates on Bill C-9, specifically the aspect of the bill which relates to a change in legislation that would allow international remailers to continue to operate legally in Canada. Currently those printers and remailers inserting mail directly into the US Postal System (USPS) are only able to do so under an injunction allowing them do so until December 31, 2010.

Joining Elliott were CPIA member Barry Sikora of Classic Impressions in Delta, B.C.; Evan Zelikovitz, of Apco Worldwide; and Mark Weeks of IDRS, a direct mailing company based in the lower mainland of B.C.

Part 15 of Bill C-9 replaces both Bill C-14 and C-44 which previously died on the order paper in 2007 and 2009 respectively. Elliott and Sikora also testified on this issue before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance on May 12, 2010.

"Not all printing companies in Canada participate directly in the international mail industry but there are a significant number of such companies that are involved through the printing of advertising material, envelopes and more for Canadian and international customers who bulk ship these materials to the U.S. or some other foreign destination" said Elliott in his testimony to the committee.

The CPIA says the Bill will allow the industry to continue its 20 plus years of permitting printers and mailing houses to deliver items to recipients outside of Canada in order to take advantage of competitive rates.

Bill C-9 will now be voted on by the Senate and once passed will proceed to either Royal Assent or back to the House of Commons should it be required.

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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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