21 January 2024
Fiery XF 8,For Large Format Printers
Fiery® XF 8 for wide formate printers
Fiery® XF 8 for wide formate printers
  Fiery, provider of digital front ends, announced the latest release of Fiery XF for wide to superwide print production. Fiery® XF 8 delivers significant performance gains, enhanced usability, and seamless integration with over 2,400 printers and 2,100 cutter types, offering unparalleled versatility.
Fiery become an independent business after separating from EFI.
Fiery become an independent business after separating from EFI.
 Features include 250+ new printer drivers from vendors including Canon, EPSON, Fuji, GongZheng, Inkcups, Liyu, Mimaki, and Roland DG for a total of 2,400 printers now available.Cut Server 3.0 adds 900+ more cutters to support over 2,100 roll to roll cutter models, including the latest Summa and Graphtec devices. Automated Fiery XF system backup and enhanced server file management further contribute to the efficiency and reliability of the system.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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