27 May 2021
Paper Prices Going Up and Will Keep Going Up
Paper machine shutdowns have reduced supply
Paper machine shutdowns have reduced supply
A raft of paper mils have announced upcoming price increases of between 4% and 8%. As a consequence of the ongoing production cost increases – particularly pulp, energy and chemicals. Price increases on different grades could happen every six to eight weeks for the next six to nine months.  Logistics problems and costs have reduced availability of grades from overseas mills and pushed prices up.
Overseas mills have been shipping less to Canada because covid-19 logistics problems
Overseas mills have been shipping less to Canada because covid-19 logistics problems
The rapid rise in the price of lumber has also pushed up the price of pulp,one of the major costs of paper.  Over the last five years a lot of paper mills have shut down paper capacity that is  now leading to a shortage of supply  and higher prices. Ink makers and plate manufacturers have been among other industry suppliers to have announced recent price increases due to rising raw material and logistics costs.
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A typical story of how a union brings down a corporation with pay demands, banked vacation days, dem...
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