27 September 2017
C.J. Graphics buys two iGen 5 presses
Jay Mandarino ( President of C.J. Graphics) and Jeff Jacobson ( President of Xerox) announcing the deal at Print 17
Jay Mandarino  President of CJ.Graphics and Jeff Jacobson President of Xerox announcing the deal at Print 17
 CJ Graphics Inc. first to acquire  the Xerox® iGen® 5 digital presses with  the first installation, globally, of fully-loaded Xerox® iGen® 5 digital presses.“The new iGen 5 technology is a game changer, with revolutionary capabilities, including matte toner, extended gamut to achieve up to 93 percent of reproducible PMS colours – with orange, blue, green, white and clear dry ink – and 24-point thick stock kit, a fifth color station and the option to swap in White Dry Ink for specialty effects"says Jay Mandarino President of CJ Graphics.
C.J. Graphics recently won  8 Benny"s at the PIA Premier Printing Awards in Chicago almost half were digitally printed on Xerox equipment. C. J. Graphics has been on a massive expansion investing $25 million on new equipment and a new 230,000 plant in Mississauga. 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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