21 July 2010
NorQuest College’s print program receives funding
WINNIPEG—NorQuest College recently received $896,750 for its Centre for Excellence in Print Media from Western Economic Diversification.

Seated: Dr. Jodi Abbott, president NorQuest College, Wendy Kinsella, 
Board Chair NorQuest, Minister of State Lynne Yellich Standing:
Josh Ramsbottom, Coordinator Centre for  Excellence Print Media 
NorQuest College

The funding is the second round of money from the Government program, says Centre for Excellence in Print Media media management coordinator Josh Ramsbottom. The first being $1.4 million when the program opened its doors in 2008.

This wave if funding will be used in large part to support the program’s Job Definition Format System. It will also be used to acquire equipment for colour management and large format flatbed UV machinery, says Ramsbottom.

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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
Editor : ...
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