18 November 2009
CPISC releases national skills standards for output and colour specialists
MISSISSAUGA—National skill standards and occupational profiles for output and colour specialists were recently released by the Canadian Printing Industry Sector Council as part of its Skills for the Future initiative. The standards define what an employee should know and be able to do on the job.

CPISC’s approach to skill standards started with a plan for the creation of standards in three process areas: press, prepress, and finishing and bindery. In each area basic skills, core skills and operational skills were addressed.

A set of profiles that outline what is required of workers in a specific job, the availability of similar jobs in Canada, and the kind of education and personal attributes that best contribute to success in those occupations were also released.

The standards can be downloaded and ordered through the CPISC website at Cpisc-csic.ca.

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