10 April 2024
Ontario LCBO Brings Paper Bags Back
A Crown corporation and one of the largest retailers of spirits in the world
A Crown corporation and one of the largest retailers of spirits in the world
 The LCBO will bring paper bags back to its stores after Ontario Premier Doug Ford directed the government-owned alcohol retailer to reintroduce them. The Provincial Premier Doug Ford asked the LCBO to reverse its decision to stop giving customers paper bags for their alcohol purchases. The LCBO has confirmed they have  “received direction” from the government to bring single-use paper bags back.
LCBO Paper claims paper bags are not environmentally friendly
LCBO Paper claims paper bags are not environmentally friendly
The LCBO announced last year in April it was getting rid of paper bags at its stores and officially phased them out.The company said the move would save the equivalent of 188,000 trees each year and divert 2,665 tonnes of waste from landfills. The Canadian forestry industry claims just 0.2 per cent of Canada’s forested land is harvested — a small fraction of what is lost to fires and insect infestation. For every tree harvested, another two are planted. Pulp and paper is also one of Northern Ontario's largest employers. Ontarians have been diligent recyclers ever since the Blue Box Program was created 40 years ago. 
2. That Guy says:
18 April 2024 at 6:59 AM
I agree , thank you . its always a good look walking down the street carrying 3 bottles.
1. Mr Beastly says:
17 April 2024 at 12:13 PM
Thank YOU!! Someone woke up
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Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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