9 January 2024
Terrance Bay Mill Sudden Shut Down
Terrance Bay Mill on Lake Superior
Terrance Bay Mill on Lake Superior
The Terrace Bay Pulp Mill in northwestern Ontario is temporarily shutting down with no restart date given. It is the town's biggest employer. Located on the shores of Lake Superior, a NBSK pulp mill producing over 330,000 tonnes annually. With over 360+ employees. The mill's owners, AV Group, which is part of Aditya Birla ($48.3 billion corporation),
As paper prices come down more mill closings
As paper prices come down more mill closings
announced there will be a "temporary idling of its pulp operations, with immediate effect, due to prevailing market conditions," meaning 400 workers are off the job. The company had invested over $130 million over the last three years. Announcements about paper mill shutdowns has become a monthly  occurrence with Stora Enso, Canford, Island Papers , Arjowiggins, UPM, Westrock, International Paper and Domtar have announced mill or machine shut downs in the last year.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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