18 January 2023
Mi5 Adding Additional Shift On Heatset Web.
Mi5's 32 page headset web at Mississauga plant
Mi5's 32 page headset web at Mississauga plant
 Mi5 plant on Caterpillar Rd in Mississauga is adding another shift on their Heidelberg 16 page , 32 page digest size  heatset web later this month. Despite the reduction and closing of other web plants the company has found enough demand to increase their web capacity . The plant employs 200 people and in a 180,000 sq/ft plant in Mississauga.
Derek McGeachie President of Mi5
Derek McGeachie President of Mi5
The plant has 3 six colour and an eight colour sheetfed presses plus 4 saddle stickers and one 21 pocket perfect binder.The Mississauga plant runs 24/7/365 days a year. The company evolved from a film trade house. The press  is a 16  page  Heidelberg M130 heatset web. The company announced the building of a heatset web plant in Paris that would have a full 48 page Sunday 4000 web and a 24 page Sunday 2000 web to open this spring.   
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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