10 January 2023
Tim Hortons Getting Rid Of Plastics
Fibre lids instead of plastic
Fibre lids instead of plastic. 
 Tim Hortons changing it's packaging’s by trialling a fibre alternative to its single-use plastic hot beverage lids. The trial will run in the City of Vancouver for around twelve weeks, with the new fibre lids – said to be both plastic-free and recyclable – seeking improved sustainability. Tim Hortons is set to make the transition to fibre lids permanent for its Loaded Bowl packaging in its locations across Canada. Timmy's has been looking for paper and wood replacements for plastics.
Wood instead of plastic at over 4000 locations across Canada
Wood instead of plastic at over 4000 locations across Canada 
It has also redesigned its breakfast and lunch wrapper to eliminate 75% of the material from its previous wrap box – a move expected to save over 1,400 tonnes of material every year. The change comes in light of the government’s ban on the  manufacture for sale of single-use plastics. The legislation rules out foodservice items that contain or are entirely made from hard-to-recycle plastics, including drink stirrers, straws, and cutlery – the latter of which will now be made from wood or fibre at Tim Hortons establishments in a bid to save 90 million single-use plastics a year.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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