4 January 2023
Heidelberg Ransomware, White Paper
 Heidelberg's White Paper on Ransomware.Ransomware is potentially a very serious problem. It can cost a lot of money – no matter how big or how small your business. Security-related attacks are increasing, and victims experience major disruption to their production. Chapters include What Can I Do To Prevent Ransomware? So, How Do I Know I Have Ransomware? How Did I Get Ransomware?
When you know you have been hacked
When you know you have been hacked
Solutions:What Do I Do Once I Have Been Infected with Ransomware? What Can Heidelberg Do If I Have Been Affected by Ransomware? What Other Things Can I Do to Protect My Plant? When preventing Ransomware, your choices are limited: Invest time and money in prevention.Invest time and money to mitigate your damages after being hit by Ransomware (then, subsequently, investing time and money in prevention for the future). Hope nothing bad ever happens. For a copy got to https://news.heidelbergusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/whitepaper-preventing-ransomware.pdf
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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