22 September 2022
Trends in Book Manufacturing White Paper Released
Were is book manufacturing going?
Were is book manufacturing going?
The Book Manufacturers’ Institute (BMI) released a new white paper “2022 Trends in Book Manufacturing,”  where the industry has been, and where it is headed in the future.The paper speaks to those challenges as well as how the industry looks to adapt in 2022 and beyond. As publishers and manufacturers both struggle to adapt to the new post-Covid era of the printed book, BMI wanted to produce a piece that would help level-set the conversation and help push the industry forward. 
Book Manufactures Institute ( BMI)
Book Manufactures Institute ( BMI)
The report details the pivotal changes to the industry that occurred during the first two decades of the century. The rise of both digital printing and digital reading shifted the industry greatly. The pandemic caused a huge amount of disruption, and both publishers and printers are still adjusting to the changes. Challenges with inflation, paper, labor and capacity have affected everyone. 
The full white paper is available in the Resources section of the BMI website, at https://www.bmibook.com/2022-trends-in-book-manufacturing.  
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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