17 August 2022
Book Manufacturing Running Out of Capacity
Book manufacturing is running out of capacity
Book manufacturing is running out of capacity
 The Book Manufacturers’ Institute  released the August results for its monthly survey on capacity and lead times for soft cover and hard cover books. As demand has skyrocketed and supply chain woes continue to hamper all segments of manufacturing. July's capacity and lead times all going up a bit. According to responses regarding hard cover books, the average manufacturer was running at 90% of their capacity,up from July’s 84%. The average lead time for completed hard cover books went up from 74 to 85 days. For soft cover books, capacity usage went up slightly to 92% and the average lead time went up from 56 days to 62 days.
Book Manufactures Institute
Book Manufactures Institute
The Book Manufacturers’ Institute is a not-for-profit trade organization that supports book manufacturing leaders in their work to drive the promotion, efficiency, and growth of book markets for readers and educators in North America. BMI member companies range from full-service book manufacturers to those specializing in the digital print market, specialty binderies, component printers, packagers, equipment manufacturers, and suppliers of a variety of materials and services.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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