14 October 2021
Flint Offset Packaging Solutions Group Launched
Now part of the Offset group
Now part of the Offset group
 Flint Group, a  global supplier of print consumables  announced the launch of Flint Offset Packaging Solutions (FOPS), a new division aligning the route to market for Sheetfed Inks, Press Room Chemicals and Printing Blankets.Whilst the Sheetfed and Image Transfer Technologies teams have worked closely together for many years, servicing their common customer base,
Offset inks core of the new group
Offset inks core of the new group
the alignment of these product groups under one leadership structure will provide FOPS’ customer base with a ‘one stop shop’ for all sheetfed offset commercial and packaging printers. Flint Offset Packaging Solutions brings together the globally brands K+E, Day and Varn to further strengthen Flint Groups position in the offset printing market. Flint Group Canadian  head office is in Montreal. 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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