26 August 2021
DAY Announces Price Increases on Blankets
Major North American manufacture of blankets
Major North American manufacture of blankets
Day International, a division of Flint Group,  a supplier of  printing blankets, to the heatset, coldset and packaging industry. Day International is announcing the need to increase prices on printing blanket used in the heatset, coldset, and commercial sheetfed market segments. Given the continued challenges from the Covid pandemic,
Price of blanket and sleeves are going up.
Price of blanket and sleeves are going up.
Day International continues to face cost increases across the global supply chain, from logistics to raw materials as well as the additional cost impact arising from staffing shortages at its global manufacturing location in the United States. Most suppliers to the printing industry have announced at least one round of price increases . Some such as paper manufactures are on their third or fourth round of price increases . 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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