3 August 2021
Misleading Claims about Paper Products in Popular Science
There are more trees in North America now than 20 years ago
There are more trees in North America now than 20 years ago
 Myths about the sustainability of the North American paper industry and its products are common media fodder in today’s world of sensationalized, headline-driven journalism. This time it was the turn of Popular Science to weave together a collection of standard anti-paper tropes into your “Modern paper use is wildly unsustainable” article.After all, paper is not only the most recycled material in North America.
Keeping them honest
Keeping them honest
It is a material whose industry grows and regrows its own feedstock (wood fiber), derives most of the power to drive its processes from carbon neutral biofuel, and recycles more than 95% of the chemicals it uses to turn trees into pulp. This is not “wildly unsustainable.” This is a description of some of the world’s most sustainable products.

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Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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