31 March 2021
Amazon Being Sued For Price Fixing Of Printed Books
amazon Kindle never successfully  replaced printed books
amazon Kindle never successfully replaced printed books
 Amazon’s restrictive contracts with major publishers has made it impossible for book retailers to try to beat Amazon on price, law firm for book sellers  alleges in the suit. The contracts, with publishers Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster — known as the "Big Five" — prohibit the publishers from selling books to other retailers for less than the price they offer Amazon, provisions the book sellers  has said are "anticompetitive."
started in the book selling business
started in the book selling business
Attorneys are proposing the class include all booksellers that bought books from the Big Five after March 2017. The suit, filed in federal court in New York on behalf of Chicago-area bookseller Bookends and Beginnings, alleges Amazon colluded to fix prices on print books. Amazon also prints a lot of the books they sell using digital presses. 
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