17 March 2021
Paper Can Reduce Fraud
Advocates for transactional printing
Advocates for transactional printing
The real and widespread harms validate the concerns of eight in 10 consumers surveyed by Keep Me Posted (KMP), and reinforce their reasons for wanting the option of paper communications While FTC guidance on digital hygiene is helpful in preventing some digital deceptions and damage, ensuring that consumers are not forced into digital communications without express consent -- and that all have the option of paper correspondence if that's their preference -- will do far more to protect society.
Promotes the value of print and paper
Promotes the value of print and paper
The FTC has released its Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book 2020, troubling trends emerge regarding the threats coming from malicious digital communications. In just the last three years, unsolicited emails exploded 394% and unsolicited texts towered upwards 227%. Over the same span, malware and computer exploits increased an astronomical 2,684% -- and the privacy and data security subcategory recorded an astonishing 152,967% increase in incidents from 2019 to 2020. Criminals are increasingly exploiting digital communications via text, email, social media, websites and apps to hunt and harm victims.
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Harold says:
A typical story of how a union brings down a corporation with pay demands, banked vacation days, dem...
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