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5 August 2020
Trade Secrets Becomes Toronto Print Solutions
Trade Secret Web Printing is now Toronto Print Solutions Inc. The company has been operating under the Toronto Print Solutions ( TPS) name for several months. Trade Secrets had filed for creditor protection back November of 2019. The assets of the company were sold in February . A proposal to creditors was made in late March. The proposal offered creditors five cents on the dollar after the CRA was paid ( CRA was owed $1.25 million).
According to creditors no vote on" the proposal to ceditors" has been taken yet. TPS still has the 57" Sunday press, 40' six colour and a 10 colour prerfector, two stitchers and a perfect binder. TPS said they have a staff of about 60 people and sale of around $12 million. The building was separately owned and was never part of the creditor protection.
Comments (5) Post a Comment
5. S says:
I think these people are criminals in many ways, I suggest you avoid them, read reviews on Trade Secrets reviews and also Toronto Print Solutions reviews.
They made Trade Secrets Printing bankrupt and made new company Toronto Print Solutions, very obvious scam to scam their customers and government I think.
4. Raketeer says:
Trade Secret/TPS aka Raketeer obtains money by using suppliers sacrifices for them to be reach.
3. Reap Off says:
who ripped off the unsuspecting suppliers
2. More Sad says:
What a crime !
1. Sad says:
5 cents on the dollar , and people will give the new look company credit ??? give your heads a shake people !!!!
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