9 October 2019
Paper Is One of Lowest Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Paper only 1% of Greenhouse emissions
Paper only 1% of Greenhouse emissions
 The pulp, paper and print industry is one of the lowest contributing industrial sectors to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at only 1% of emissions worldwide,  but consumers don’t know it.
A recent consumer survey by Two Sides showed a disconnect between consumer perceptions and the facts about the industry’s impact on global GHG emissions. The survey showed that 29% of the public believe that paper production is a major contributor to global GHG emissions.
 However, the  pulp and paper sector is one of the lowest emitters of GHG emissions among major industrial sectors at 1.2% of total industrial GHG emissions.  In Canada, the forest products industry has made great strides to reduce GHG emissions in production, by cutting the use of coal and cutting oil use by over 90% since the year 2000. In fact, 57% of the industry’s energy use in 2015 was generated by bioenergy.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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