31 July 2019
Dare To Be Different
Drupa gears up for 2020
Drupa gears up for 2020
 drupa 2020 - article series: By Raphael Ducos . The impression is dead. Long live the impression! Long live printing that is integrated alongside other communication channels. This is the way forward and to get it right, you need to make two changes:  throw away the old baggage you’ve carried for so long and embrace a change of mentality. You must swap the old habits of traditional printing for digital ones!Today’s commercial printing industry is characterized by the rise of digital
Drupa series of sponsored articles
Drupa series of sponsored articles
printing, including inkjet printing, combined with significant modernization of traditional printing technologies. Offset is surviving thanks to technical advances: automation of calibration processes, reduction of waste, higher speed (20,000 sheets / hour), offset-digital hybrid workflow, offset-digital combinations in commercial, labels, packaging, binding with finishing equipment (as in digital). Workflow developments are seen in all areas and internet printing (web-to-print) is booming.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
Editor : ...
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