17 July 2019
Landa installs first North American press
The Landa S10P in Beta testing at Mercury Print Productions is the first placement in North America
The Landa S10P in Beta testing at Mercury Print Productions is the first placement in North America
PrintCAN was invited to Mercury Print Productions in New York, to view the first Landa S10P nanographic press installed in North America. The press has been in Beta testing at the facility for about five months. “This press is going to change the way we do business,” said John Place, CEO of Mercury Print. He pointed to the 40” format, spectacular quality, variable capability, inline UV, and quicker makereadies as pluses.“Anything that can be done on an offset press, can go on the Landa,” he said,
John Place, CEO of Mercury Print, says the Landa S10P will change the way the printing company does business
John Place, CEO of Mercury Print, says the Landa S10P will change the way the printing company does business
adding that since the press can handle up to 24 pt. stock it also positions Mercury to expand into the short-run packaging market.
For now, most of the work being produced on the 6,500 sph, 4-colour perfector, consists of on-demand work for the educational market, a product that accounts for a substantial share of the company’s volume. The press shines here due to its ability to print fully-collated variable book blocks, saving considerable post-press time, said Place.
Israel-based Landa introduced its presses during Drupa 2012, positioning nanography as a process that delivers the lowest printing cost per sheet. Savings come from eliminating prepress steps, water-based inks that lay down a thinner dot, and size compatibility with existing post-press equipment. 
According to Nachum Korman, vice president and general manager for the Americas, Landa Digital Printing, other installations are expected in the near future in the UK, China, France, Germany, Mexico, Switzerland, and other sites in the US.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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