17 July 2019
Go Green- Go Paperless Message Removed
Greenwash really  means  saving the cost of printing
Greenwash really means saving the cost of printing
Two Sides has successfully engaged with 441 companies worldwide to remove or change such claims about print and paper.  “Environmental claims in the U.S. and Canada must meet the guidelines and rules of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission¹ and the Competition Bureau of Canada² which include having credible and specific science-based facts to support claims.
a global non-profit promoting the sustainability of print and paper,
a global non-profit promoting the sustainability of print and paper,
 Unfortunately, Two Sides have found that these requirements are rarely met and corporations use ‘go green’ claims purely for marketing and enticing more customers to digital options. Environmental claims such as “go green – go paperless” and “save trees” are regularly used by banks, telecoms, utilities, insurance companies and many other service providers, as they encourage their customers to switch from paper to lower cost electronic bills and statements.
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Harold says:
A typical story of how a union brings down a corporation with pay demands, banked vacation days, dem...
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