3 July 2019
Copywell Adds Third Hunkerler
Expanding book binding capacity
Expanding book binding capacity
 Copywell has added third Hunkeler binding unit. The machine consist of a LS6 Stacker, CS6 Cutter and UW6 unwind unit. The machine is fed by printed rolls, unwinds, sheets and stacks books of up to 300 pages. This part of Copywells expansion of their book making capacity. They have just recently added a second ink jet web. 
Trade Book Printers
Trade Book Printers
 Copywell  specialize in short to mid run  book printing to the trade . Prepress to finished bound books. With in-house perfect and stitch binding capabilities. Originally a down town copy shop they started specializing in book printing in 2011. They have a staff of about 35 in a plant of 38,000 square feet north of Toronto. They service the trade across Canada. 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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