15 August 2018
First Xerox Iridesse Installed in Canada
 PrintPro Digital & Offset Printing has installed  the first Xerox Iridesse™ Production Press in Canada.Iridesse is equipped with six toner stations, can print metallic gold or silver dry ink, CMYK and clear dry ink in a single pass. PrintPro plans to use Iridesse as its primary digital colour press to serve its customers. The firm produces a wide range of applications including marketing collateral, flyers, postcards, tags, direct mail, catalogs, guides, manuals and annual reports.
Founded in 1989, PrintPro is a family-owned commercial printing company in Winnipeg, Manitoba, operating in the same facility as two complementary businesses the family owns: Olympic Printing, specializing in offset printing, and React Signs, a sign producer. PrintPro provides  high quality, value-add digital printing, variable data-integration, direct mailing strategy/services along with on-demand service. Print with a purpose. Excellence in every order. Provide a WOW customer experience. 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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