6 September 2017
Printing Papers shipments down again
 According to the July 2017 Printing-Writing Monthly report from the American Forest & Paper Association, total printing-writing paper shipments decreased five percent in July compared to July 2016. This is the eleventh consecutive year-over-year decrease following a modest fractional increase in August 2016. All four printing-writing grade categories posted year-over-year shipment declines in July. Total printing-writing paper inventory levels increased two percent from June 2017.
July uncoated free sheet (UFS) paper shipments decreased year-over-year at the lowest rate since the last increase in August 2016. 
Shipments of uncoated mechanical (UM) papers decreased year-over-year in June for the 13th consecutive month.
July shipments of coated free sheet (CFS) papers declined for the second consecutive month following the only year-over-year increase in 2017. Shipments of coated one-side free sheet papers decreased three percent year-over-year in July but remain flat for the year-to-date. U.S. 
Coated mechanical (CM) paper shipments declined year-over-year in July, the second consecutive decline. 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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