28 June 2017
Misleading claims about paper and print removed
 Paper and Print Green Washing
Paper and Print Green Washing
 Two sides  focused campaign to tackle misleading claims about print and paper has approached 148 North American companies using negative or misleading claims about print and paper as a cost-cutting measure to convince customers to go online. As of today,
81 companies, including many of the Fortune 100 financial institutions, utilities, telecoms and insurance companies, have modified or removed these claims.
Two Sides defending paper and print
Two Sides defending paper and print
Two Sides success rate has been consistent at about 55%.
Globally, due to the efforts of Two Sides in several countries, the count is at over 165 companies having removed anti-paper claims.
Keeping an eye out for our Top 5 Greenwashers Blog where Two Sides  feature companies which don’t respond or refuse to modify their claims. ADP can be found at: http://www.twosidesna.org/US/ADP-is-telling-its-paper- customers-to-go-paperless--Case-2-of-our-Top-5-Greenwashers.
For more information about our anti-greenwash campaign, one can request a Fact Sheet on “Examples of changes in corporate messaging related to print and paper” or a detailed campaign update.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
Editor : ...
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