22 March 2017
Digital Edge adds Duplo slitter
Bob Shea of Digital Edge
Bob Shea of Digital Edge
 Digital Edge has added a Duplo DC 616 slitter/ cutter/ creaser. They have a lot of digital presses that require short run cutting which has been done in-efficiently on their cutter. Digital Edge does a lot trade work  that requires  super tight deadlines . Such as digital printing, direct mail, tipping, fufillment and  lettershop services. This aquisition will help deliver even better service.
    The Duplo DC-616 Pro slitter / cutter/ creaser is build for short run, on demand digital printing. Designed to remove white borders and prevent toner cracking on digital colour printing. This finisher can process up to 6 slits, 25 cuts and 20 creases in a single pass. A fully automated set up and quick change overs, the DC-616 Pro can  finish a wide range of full-bleed digital applications such as greeting cards, invitations, brochures, book covers and 24-up business cards without additional modules required .
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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