19 October 2016
Ricoh gives back
TORONTO—Ricoh Canada employees took part in another Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup (GCSC), a national program that encourage partners to take an active role in protecting Canada’s environment, by cleaning up local parks, rivers and lakes.

aquablog//Ricoh crew picking up trash at Thetis lake, Victoria earlier this year in June

A GCSC partner since 2014, Ricoh employees have diverted over 6,294 pounds of garbage from lakes, ponds, shorelines and parks across Canada.

"The GCSC events are part of a nationwide activity for us," Eric Fletcher, VP of marketing at Ricoh Canada Inc., said.  "Respect for the environment and taking active steps to protect it is in clear alignment with the corporation's sustainability goals, but it's also great fun to get out and make a difference with the teams." 

Approximately 300 employees participate in the cleanup twice a year in the spring and fall. The most recent cleanup event took place on October 13.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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