27 November 2012
Formation of new national printing association formally announced
OTTAWA—CPISC and CPIA have formally announced the formation of a new printing association to be called Printing Industries of Canada (PIC).

PIC "will serve as the national voice of the industry and will actively support and promote the health and growth of Canada’s printing industry," and will be officially launched in April 2013.

“The boards of CPISC and CPIA have worked diligently to create this new body. We have reached out to the industry, listened to its input, and I’m pleased with this effective model for a national association that will deliver the services and value printers have told us they want,” said Jeff Ekstein, co-chair of CPISC.

PIC’s mandate will focus on four key areas: Promotion of print, advocacy to government and media, collaboration with other key industry bodies, and education efforts to "ensure printers have ready resources to effectively run their businesses."

The mandate was confirmed after several focus groups across the country gave feedback and suggestions about the services a new national printing association should provide, noted PIC. “The association truly reflects what the industry wants,” said Sandy Stephens, chair of CPIA.

Membership will be open to printing companies, suppliers to the industry, and educational/training organizations. Currently, representatives are reaching out to printers, suppliers and educational/training organizations to become founding members of PIC and make a three-year commitment to the new body, explained the new organization.

“We feel confident the industry will support PIC and its mandate,” added Ekstein. “And we look forward to launching a truly effective national association that delivers a focused value to our industry in promotion, advocacy, collaboration and education in a cost-effective manner.”
1. Litho Guy says:
3 December 2012 at 12:39 PM
Circle the wagons.
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Is this good or bad for all NON-Epson printers?...
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