25 October 2012
Prairie Pulp & Paper plans to build 'tree-free' eco-mill in Manitoba
WINNIPEG, MB—Winnipeg's Prairie Pulp & Paper is planning to build a tree-free eco-mill in Manitoba's prairies "hopefully" within a few years.

A release today explains Prairie has plans to build a 100% "tree-free, state-of-the-art" eco-mill in Manitoba's Prairies where "millions of tons of leftover straw are readily available."

Meanwhile, a wheat straw paper (Step Forward Paper) produced by Prairie ranked among the best in North America in terms of lowest environmental impact, in a study released today by Vancouver-based carbon management solutions firm Offsetters.

Prairie, co-founded by president Jeff Golfman, chair Clayton Manness, and actor Woody Harrelson, commissioned the study earlier this year from Offsetters, a company known for supplying carbon offsets to the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Papers available in North America were tested for non-renewable energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, wastewater, and aquatic acidification.

Prairie's Step Forward Paper is made from 80% wheat straw, which is usually treated as waste by farmers, and 20% Forest Stewardship Council-certified sustainable wood fibre.

Step Forward Paper is backed by Canopy, a not-for-profit conservation organization that has launched an initiative to promote eco-friendly printing. Companies that want to help build the market for agricultural residue paper and provide input to new product development can complete a Canopy survey here.
1. D.a says:
29 April 2013 at 11:14 PM
is it profitable, ecological, for farmers to take this, what could be chaff, instead of returning it to the soil?
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Is this good or bad for all NON-Epson printers?...
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