28 February 2012
Exports slip in December
OTTAWA—The final month of 2011 saw a slip in exports, dropping more than eight percent from Decmber 2010, while imports also dropped from the same time frame last year. Exports for all of 2011 totalled $911.8 million, compared to $968.9 million in 2010, a drop of 5.9 percent. However, the trade balance deficit evened out somewhat in 2011 from the previous year.

All countries Dec 11 Dec 10 % change
Total exports ($M) $75.8 $82.1 -8.31
Total imports ($M) $93.9 $110 -17.1
Trade balance (YTD) -331.8 -373.9 11.3

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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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