30 July 2010
Farquharson seminar to tackle industry’s key challenge: sales
TORONTO—What are the secrets to sales in today’s printing market? That’s the focus of leading print sales consultant Bill Farquharson at Print World 2010.

Farquharson has a long history of driving sales momentum through his various training programs and initiatives. Every Monday, over 6,500 people from all over the world watch Bill’s free video sales tip, which ranges in subjects such as time management to overcoming objections to beating voice mail.

 His company, Aspire For, Inc. is in the business of teaching sales people and selling owners how to overcome sales challenges in the print, digital print, and VDP markets. He asks his customers, “Why aren’t you selling more?” and then helps them to eliminate each answer and knock down each obstacle.

Each of Aspire For’s innovative training programs combines call quality with accountability, holding program participants to their sales activity commitments. The net result for sales people is more and better appointments, a loyal customer base, and improved profitability. Regardless of economic conditions, the fundamentals of selling never change. Aspire For drives sales momentum in any market for any printing company.

Bill Farquharson’s Print World seminar, “Sales Secrets for Today’s Print Market,” takes place Monday, Nov. 22 at Print World. Cost is $75 and includes admission to the Print World trade show.

Learn more about Farquharson’s Sales Challenge video program by clicking here. To read his Printing Impressions blog, click here.

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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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