28 April 2009
Quebecor World renews contracts with Forbes, Rodale
MONTREAL—Quebecor World has signed a multi-year contract to print Forbes and its related magazines. The company has printed the bi-weekly magazine, which has a circulation of more than 900,000, for more than 25 years. The printer will also handle premedia and logistics services for Forbes.

“At a time when the business and financial worlds are in turmoil, we have been working with Forbes to make continuous improvements in cycle-time reduction,” said Kevin Clarke, president of Quebecor World's publishing services group, in a statement. “Our end-to-end solutions, which help Forbes manage production from premedia through logistics and distribution, ensure that Forbes is able to be increasingly timely and efficient in its publication delivery.”

Quebecor also recently renewed its contract with Rodale, a publisher of hardcover and paperback books. Specific terms of both deals were not disclosed.

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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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