6 April 2009
OnDemand draws healthy crowds
PHILADELPHIA, PA—No official numbers are available yet, but the OnDemand show last week opened and closed on a high note, drawing more crowds than most people expected.

Focused almost exclusively on digital printing and peripherals, and coming during hard economic times, the show brought more than 200 exhibitors to the Philadelphia Convention Centre on March 30 to April 2.

Though the show occupied less floor space than last year, crowds materialized as soon as the show opened. Most exhibitors reported they were pleased with the turnout and that the level of interest in investing is still strong among the visitors. Many of the exhibitors reported signing on again for the next show.

Exhibitors included Canon, Xerox, HP, Océ, Screen, Ricoh, Presstek, Fujifilm, Konica Minolta, EFI, CP Bourg, Standard, Duplo, GBC, Piney Bowes, as well as several software companies, including Avanti Computer Software, which received a Best in Show award for its MIS system.

A round-up of new products released at OnDemand, will appear in the June issue of Graphic Monthly Canada.

Here’s a pictorial highlight of the some of the booths:

The show attracted strong crowds for its duration.

Presstek showcased its 52 DI with UV option.

Crowds were attracted to the Xerox booth for a look at the new iGen 4.

Konica Minolta introduced its new bizhubPro C65hc with high chroma toner formulated to deliver particularly vivid colour quality.

Fujifilm brought a selection of its equipment

Benjamin Franklin welcomes visitors to the show

Océ showcased several of its press offerings

The highlight of the Screen booth was the Truepress jet 520 high-speed inkjet press 

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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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