News Archives
November 2006

November 30, 2006
PLM brings Optium home
MARKHAM, Ont.—PLM, a $117 million-a-year commercial shop, has announced it will move its Optium prepress and digital large-format operations from Don Mills, Ont., to its Markham campus in 2007. Barry Pike, chairman and CEO, said the Don Mills facility was too small for Optium’s expected growth. The Markham facilities will be redesigned to accommodate the repatriated operations, as well as the anticipated growth in the company’s packaging, print on demand, and direct mail services. The Optium announcement was made the same day the company revealed the purchase of six Stahlfolders, nine Speedbanders, eight mailing stations, and a 10-unit Speedmaster XL 105 UV press from Heidelberg.

Chicago printer mistakenly mails private info
CHICAGO—Human error is being blamed for a mailing that potentially revealed the names and social security numbers of former public school employees to more than 1,700 people. All Printing & Graphics Inc., a Chicago-area print company, was contracted by Chicago Public Schools to print and mail a health-insurance information package. Some of the packages included a 25-page list containing the confidential data. The company says it didn’t realize the mailing information (which it received by e-mail from Chicago Public Schools) contained personal information.

November 28, 2006
TRADE WATCH – China surges
OTTAWA—Exports are down and imports are up again as Industry Canada releases its latest statistics for the printing industry. The new figures track imports and exports up to September 2006.

EXPORTS 2006 2005 Change


$132.7 million $178.2 million -25.5%

Year to date

$1.16 billion $1.30 billion -10.5%
The value of print exports to the U.S. is still low compared to last year—its YTD figures are down 10.3%. But after an initial drop off in January 2006, its numbers have, generally, been trending upwards this year.
IMPORTS 2006 2005 Change


$127.9 million

$107.6 million


Year to date

$964.1 million

$887.5 million

Imports from China jumped to a two-year high of $22.3 million in September, bringing the nation’s total for the year to $139.1 million.

PRODUCTION VALUE$ – September slumps
OTTAWA—National print revenues took a slight downturn at the end of Q3 according to the most recent information from Statistics Canada. The industry shipped $875 million-worth of printing in September, a 9.3% drop compared to the $965 million from September 2005. Year-to-date numbers are up though, a 0.26% increase to $7.78 billion from $7.76 billion in 2005. These figures are not adjusted for inflation.

November 24, 2006
Ontario variable printer wins Visionary award
GUELPH—Blue North Strategies, a printer of personalized marketing and transactional documents, has won a Visionary award from Exstream Software. Exstream, the makers of Dialogue personalization software, received 36 entries for the awards, among them Blue North’s newsletter for The Co-Operators insurance company. The newsletter, mailed to approximately 1 million customers twice a year, spread production and distribution throughout the year to reduce costs. Mailings were timed to coincide with policy renewals, and content was updated automatically with each mail-out. The project won Best Designed Document.

Study says direct mail less intrusive than spam
ATHENS, Ga.—Though it may be condemning it with faint praise, direct mail has won out over e-mail spam as being less annoying and intrusive, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Georgia surveyed 119 students, asking them to rate mailings and spam on a scale of one to seven—one being the most annoying or intrusive, and seven the least so. For intrusiveness, spam scored 1.93 compared to direct mail’s 4.24. For annoyance, spam again ranked higher with a score of 2.46 compared to direct mail’s 3.87. The study’s focus groups revealed participants saw direct mail as more reputable than spam because of the print investments advertisers make in such campaigns. And where spam gets in the way of “legitimate” e-mail, focus groups told researchers that direct mail often contains useful information and promotions.

November 22, 2006
Print World a huge success with 10,000+ attendees
TORONTO—Print World 2006 has come and gone, wrapping up on Monday after three busy days at the Direct Energy Centre. Attendees from Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba and the state of New York took part in industry-leading seminars, a panel discussion on valuating a print business, and hourly software demonstrations at the Print Software Theatre. Visitors also got a look at new technology from HP, Epson, Xeikon and Heidelberg. Many booths sported “sold” signs on their equipment, showing attendees came ready to buy. The next Print World will take place in 2008.

Paperless world hasn't unfolded yet
OTTAWA—A recent Statistics Canada study shows that, people still rely on paper for communicating despite the proliferation of personal computers and electronic communication over the last two decades. Between 1983 and 2003, paper consumption for printing more than doubled. The study also showed that paper mailings increased during that time.

November 14, 2006
Largest event of the year, Print World opens this week
TORONTO—On Saturday, November 18, the Direct Energy Centre in downtown Toronto will come alive with equipment, seminars and demonstrations, all geared to producing shorter print runs. Digital presses, direct imaging presses, and offset presses with sheetsizes no larger than 29” will be humming. Inkjet models in all shapes and sizes will fire up. Prepress and bindery equipment will purr. Plus, seminars and demonstrations will deliver all manner of trade secrets. This is the biggest event of the year, drawing printers, suppliers and dealers. For more information and a printable coupon worth $5 off the price of admission, go to

Friesen honoured at ceremony
TORONTO—Named this year’s Printer of the Year in the October issue of Graphic Monthly Canada, David Friesen was feted at the official ceremony and reception held at Ryerson University’s Heidelberg Centre last week. Industry representatives and students alike gathered to honour Friesen, a third-generation printer and community leader in his home town of Altona, Manitoba. To see an excerpt from Friesen’s acceptance speech, click the media window below.

November 9, 2006
New products make their debut at Print World 2006
TORONTO—Some of the world’s largest press equipment manufacturers are set to unveil new products at Print World 2006. The Presstek 52 DI direct imaging press will be among the debuted products, as will digital presses such as Konica Minolta’s Bizhub Pro C6500, Canon’s Image Press C, and the Xeikon 6000. Heidelberg will show off its Suprasetter A52 and A74 platesetters. New inkjet offerings will include HP’s Designjet Z2100 and Z3100, Mutoh’s PJ-1946, Epson’s Stylus Pro 3880, and the Atlas 3250 print head. Morgana’s DigiCreaser, Nagel’s F80 and F100 bookletmaking systems, and its 390 three-head drill are new in the bindery. Print World 2006 runs November 18 – 20 at the Direct Energy Centre, located on the Canadian National Exhibition grounds.

Quebecor World suspends dividends
In reporting its Q3 financials, Quebecor World’s board of directors announced it was suspending its annual dividends. The company’s profits are down again for the seventh consecutive quarter, with net profits falling 37.9% over last year to US$19.2 million. Competition in Europe and company-wide restructuring were cited as the biggest negative influences on Quebecor’s bottom line. Consolidated revenues for the quarter were $1.6 billion.

November 7, 2006
Print World 2006 keeps growing
TORONTO—The number of products on hand at Print World 2006 continues to grow. Since the end of October, thirty additional companies have found their way onto the show floor, including 3M Canada, Brackett, Brause, Day International, Destroyit, Enfocus Software, Graphic Direction, Hamada, Ideal MBM, INsource, Intuitive Solutions Group, Kirk-Rudy, Kompac, Laser Cheque, Martin Yale Industries, Pace Systems Group, Pageflex, PAT Technology Systems, Petratto, Premier Rollers, Print-Quotes Software,, Prism Graphic, Equipment, Rebel Packaging, Spaark, Standard, T-51 International, Tec Lighting, The Essential Image, and VPF Recycling.

Trade Watch – November 2006
OTTAWA—The latest data from Industry Canada shows declining exports for Canada’s print industry so far this year. Imports, on the other hand, are on the rise with Canadians going beyond our borders more often to fulfill their printing needs.

EXPORTS 2006 2005 Change


$132.5 million $145.6 million -8.9%

Year to date

$1.03 billion $1.12 billion -8.1%
Our largest foreign buyer, the United States, has a reduced its take so far this year: a 10.9% drop to $850.1 million.

IMPORTS 2006 2005 Change


$124.3 million

$108.3 million


Year to date

$833.9 million

$770.8 million

The year-to-date dollar value of print imports from the United States is up to $618.1 million, an 8.6% increase over last year. China is up as well—a 10.1% increase to $116.6 million.

November 2, 2006
New PrintCAN Headline News schedule
TORONTO—Starting November 8, subscribers of PrintCAN’s Headline News will receive the e-mail newsletter on Wednesdays instead of Fridays. The change is meant to better serve readers with timely industry news, events and job postings. Check your inbox on Wedesday, November 8 for your copy. If you don’t yet subscribe, click  here to set up your account.

Software Theatre returns to Print World
TORONTO—The latest print software will again be on display at Print World: The World of Shorter-run Printing in the Adobe Print Software Theatre. Programming begins each day of the show at 11:00 am. Presentations will run every hour on the hour in the sit-down venue. Exhibitors in the Print Software area include Accura – MIS, Adobe, Agfa, Airesys, Bluestream, Carbon Computing, Enfocus Software, Intuitive Solutions Group, MyEstimator! OTG Creative, Pace Systems Group, Pageflex, Platinum Cards, Print-Quotes Software, and Printer Presence.

Print revenues recover from a slow July
OTTAWA—The most recent information released by Statistics Canada shows an increase in print revenues nationwide. Revenues were reported at $907 million in August, which is up from $775 million in July, but down compared to August of 2005, which reported $929 million. The year-to-date figures for 2006 show $6.90 billion in revenues generated between January and August compared to $6.79 billion for the same period in 2005. That’s a 1.6% increase.

Canadian PIXI winners
CHICAGO—Four Canadian print companies had podium finishes at the recent Printing Innovation with Xerox Imaging Awards. In the variable print/one-to-one marketing communications category, Toronto’s Pareto Corporation took second place for its “My Money” package for SunLife Financial clients. In the monochrome and highlight colour category, Basset Direct of Markham, Ont., won third place for its “Air Miles Gold Mailing” direct-mail submission. Hume Imaging Inc. in Scarborough, Ont. won third in the digital short run colour group for its four-colour “King’s Garden Menu,” and C J Graphics of Toronto took third place in digital books and manuals for “Love Story.” The winners were chosen from more than 300 entries, all produced on Xerox equipment.

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